Saturday 20 July 2013

Funny Joke

Funny Joke History


One day after sleeping badly, an anatomist went to his frog laboratory and removed from a cage one frog with white spots on its back. He placed it on a table and drew a line just in front of the frog. "Jump frog, jump!" he shouted. The little critter jumped two feet forward. In his lab book, the anatomist scribbled, "Frog with four legs jumps two feet." 

Then, he surgically removed one leg of the frog and repeated the experiment. "Jump, jump!" To which, the frog leaped forward 1.5 feet. He wrote down, "Frog with three legs jumps 1.5 feet." 

Next, he removed a second leg. "Jump frog, jump!" The frog managed to jump a foot. He scribbled in his lab book, "Frog with two legs jumps one foot." 

Not stopping there, the anatomist removed yet another leg. "Jump, jump!" The poor frog somehow managed to move 0.5 feet forward. The scientist wrote, "Frog with one leg jumps 0.5 feet." 

Finally, he eliminated the last leg. "Jump, jump!" he shouted, encouraging forward progress for the frog. But despite all its efforts, the frog could not budge. "Jump frog, jump!" he cried again. It was no use; the frog would not response. The anatomist thought for a while and then wrote in his lab book, "Frog with no legs goes deaf."
I believe that LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE. I believe that a SMILE a day helps. I have set up a collection of some of my favorites on this blog. Take some time to enjoy some of them. Be sure to SMILE. 
What's brown and sticky? 
A stick.

What's pink and fluffy?
Pink fluff.
What's blue and fluffy?
Pink fluff holding its breath.

How is a rabbit like a plum?
They're both purple, except for the rabbit.
What did Batman say to Robin before they got in the car?
Get in the car, Robin!

How do you get Pikachu on a bus? Pokémon.

How do you top a car?
Tep on the brake, toopid!

How do you catch a unique rabbit?
You neak up on it.

How do you catch a tame rabbit?
The tame way, you neak up on it.

Why was the man holding the fish?
Just for the halibut.

How do you make Lady GaGa laugh?
Poke her face.

When should you always go to the dentist?
At 2:30 (Tooth hurty!)

Vampire 1: I loved you the moment I saw you!
Vampire 2: It must have been love at first bite!

Teacher: Sammy, you're late to school again!
Sammy: I broke my leg.
Teacher: That's a lame excuse!

Cody, eating his school lunch: I just swallowed a bone!
Teacher: Are you choking?
Cody: No, I'm serious.

What's blue but smells like red paint?
Blue paint.

I feel like I know more - I'll post any I remember! :)

Why do elephants have trunks?
They'd look pretty stupid carrying around suitcases!

Person 1: What's the difference between a chicken and an elephant?
Person 2: I dont know, what is the difference between a chicken and an elephant?
Person 1: Boy, I'd hate to send you to the store to buy a couple of chickens!

What's the difference between a chicken and an owl?
Have you ever heard of Kentucky Fried Owl?

Person 1: 9 elephants ran down the street wearing red slippers. 1 elephant ran down the street wearing green slippers. What does this prove?
Person 2: That 9 out of 10 elephants wear red slippers!

What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence?
Time to get a new fence!

Why is a hen sitting on a fence like a penny?
Because it's got a head on one side and a tail on the other!

What do you do if there's a 5-ton gorilla in your bed?
Sleep somewhere else!

What do you call a 5-ton gorilla?

What did the 5000 pound mouse say to the cat?
Here, kitty kitty kitty!

Person 1: Pete and Repeat are in a boat. Pete falls out. Who's left?
Person 2: Repeat!
Person 1: Okay! Pete and Repeat are in a boat. Pete falls out. Who's left?
Person 2: Repeat!
Person 1: Fine! Pete and Repeat are in a boat. Pete falls out. Who's left?
Person 2: Repeat!
Person 1: Listen up this time! Pete and Repeat are in a boat. Pete falls out. Who's left?
Person 2: Repeat!
...this could go on forever! You should try this out on one of your friends!

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